Team #StillNotYourLawyer
Yasmin Ghassab from #StillNotYourLawyer shares her experience as a 2024 Trail Blazer.
Team #StillNotYourLawyer
How did you hear about Camp Casco and Trail Blazers?
My friend Grace Chen, who is a longtime Camp Casco volunteer and board member!
Where did you do your Trail Blazers hike, and who was on your team?
My team was Chris Folts (a fellow Grace Chen fan) and my husband Billy Zile. Billy and I hiked in Rocky Mountain National Park with Chris supporting us from afar.
I know you love to hike the White Mountains! In your opinion, how does the challenging hike in the White Mountains mirror the challenges our campers face?
The White Mountains are beautiful, but so much work to climb as compared to west coast hikes. I think that hard work makes it that much more meaningful. The same logic applies here. Yes, there is an easy path for some, but that is not the path our campers have been given, but they climb the mountain all the same.
What would you tell someone who is thinking about signing up for next year’s Trail Blazers?
Do it! Do it, or Grace will find you and do her Brazilian jujitsu on you.
What advice would you give to next year’s Trail Blazers? (hiking/training and/or fundraising)
Don't be afraid to ask everyone you know. People can always say no (but they usually don't ), and make it fun! I made a raffle for my donors that the winner would get a home-baked cake from me.
What does being a Trail Blazer mean to you? How do you think this program positively impacts our campers?
It means a lot. I love that I can help and that I can do so with my friends and family. I love seeing how much fun the kids have and how much Camp Casco means to them.