Cambridge resident named Camp Champion for childhood cancer survivors
Camp Casco, a nonprofit organization offering free camps and socials for childhood cancer patients, survivors and siblings in New England, announced that Marissa Fletcher, of Cambridge, has been named a 2020 Camp Champion.
Camp Casco’s new Camp Champions program supports childhood cancer patients and survivors while taking on New Hampshire’s Presidential Traverse: a 23-mile hike reaching seven of the state’s over 4000-foot summits.
Each champion has been tasked with raising $1,600, the equivalent of sending one child to camp for an entire week. While at camp, children who have been affected by childhood cancer get the opportunity to experience independence, take on new challenges and make friends with other kids who have been through similar challenges, all while supported by a round-the-clock medical team and a one-to-one counselor-to-camper ratio. A group of 10 athletes were selected from seven different states for the group’s inaugural challenge, each sponsoring a returning camper for summer 2020.
Due to the COVID-19 Health Crisis, the in-person hike that was scheduled for June 6-7 was cancelled, but each champion opted to undergo a hike in their own state.
“While we anticipated some new challenges in our first year of our new Camp Champions program, the coronavirus pandemic certainly wasn’t one of them,” said Camp Casco CEO Erin Fletcher Stern. “The willingness of our champions to adapt to the situation and find ways to complete this challenge while following social distancing recommendations truly speaks to the incredible commitment of these individuals. We are truly humbled by their support and are looking forward to cheering on each of our champs as they tackle their modified challenges.”
“I have been so impressed with Camp Casco’s pivot to find alternative ways to help those affected by childhood cancers when faced with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Fletcher. “I am so inspired by my fellow camp champions teammates who have similarly pivoted to complete new, pandemic-friendly versions of the original hiking challenge. I’m excited to tackle a 4,000 footer this weekend in support of this fantastic cause. And my dog/trail scout is excited that he is able to participate in this version.”
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Source: Cambridge Chronicle